Saturday, March 26, 2011

second day=part of my life

hope i will get call from gugu,,,miss his voice right,his laugh.seminit pon jd la.
at least nk taw jgk khabar dia,,ok x kat sana?
ramai dpt kawan x,dpt tdo x,too many question yg nk tanya nih,,
hope dia bole sesuai kan diri kat sana,,,
tu la,everyday kalau bole nk jumpa jek kn,,,tgk skarang.bila
xdpt jumpa,xdapat mcj,xdpt kol,kn da meroyan tu nama nya..
haishhh,=.=' shasha,shasha.
what's wrong with u,wake up,wake up.
xlama lg dia balek la,dia g sana bkn brpoya2,
tp kn dia keje,,(memujuk ati yg ngada2,cibs siak).
hope bila tiba masa nnt,dia xbrubah,and hope dia safe kat sana.. :-)

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